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 A series of lines that intersect

8x6.1 x1 in. (closed)

Screenprint and digital printing

Box and labyrinth structure

The content and structure of the book are based in the notion of stories born from accidents (randomness), where casual encounters prevail.

Dots connected by lines were drawn on a sheet of paper. Each timeline of dots and lines was assigned a different color, therefore creating three different timelines of narrative.

Each dot is assigned a random word.

The sheet was then divided in 3x8 (3 columns and 8 rows). Words caught within these divisions are forced into creating a story.

We will cross a jungle filled with demons

and almonds,

where crackpot gators give lectures


to gypsies


for stealing avocados


from the future

Sarcastic chickens

and docile iguanas



play syncopated rhythms


in trumpets,




while reefs become terrariums





and eventually

Chinese aquariums

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